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Тито Джексон, представитель величайшей династии поп-музыки, в своей фирменной шляпе-котелке и с жизнерадостным нравом был именно тем человеком, который мог начать (диско)вечеринку.

Он был англофилом, у которого была особая связь с Вулверхэмптоном, где он обожал бывать в Молинью, чтобы посмотреть на своих любимых «Вулверхэмптон» или отведать карри в Zooma на Бриджнорт-роуд.

Тито Джексон скончался в возрасте 70 лет

Тито Джексон скончался в возрасте 70 летТито — брат Майкла Джексона.

Тито — брат Майкла Джексона.

«Мне нравится приезжать сюда», — сказал человек, живший в «очень жарких» американских городах.

«Это место, где можно охладиться, принять душ и укрыться в тени».

Затем были его королевские связи.

Тито и его старший брат Джеки учились в той же школе, что и мать Меган Маркл, Дория — Fairfax High School в Лос-Анджелесе.

«Ну, Тито пару раз водил ее на ужин», — как-то сообщила мне Джеки совершенно невозмутимым тоном, а затем добавила: «Нет, я просто шучу!»

Тито также встречался с королевой, будучи подростком, во время визита Jackson 5 в Великобританию, но ему было трудно убедить своих одноклассников, что он находился в такой высокой компании.

«Мы спели ей I Want You Back и ABC, но ей больше всего понравилась Dancing Machine.

«Может быть, она вставала каждое утро и немного покачивалась под него», — сказал он с одной из своих широких улыбок.

Однако самое важное то, что Тито был из самой успешной семьи в истории поп-музыки, принявшей участие в танцевальных хитах Blame It On The Boogie, Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) и Can U Feel It.

Но третий из десяти детей Джексонов умер в воскресенье в возрасте 70 лет с большой грустью в сердце по младшему брату, которого он любил и потерял — Майклу.

Не так давно, когда COVID еще бушевал, я разговаривал с Тито, и разговор неизбежно перешел на тему короля поп-музыки.

«Майкл кристально чист»

«Я знаю, что он за всем следит», — сказал он по видеосвязи из своей (относительно скромной) кухни дома в пригороде Лос-Анджелеса Калабасасе.

«Но его потеря была разрушительной — абсолютно разрушительной».

Мир за пределами семьи Джексонов по-прежнему неоднозначно относится к Джеко — чрезвычайно талантливому, невероятно успешному, совершенно эксцентричному, но запятнанному сенсационными обвинениями.

Но Тито, используя настоящее время, страстно сказал мне: «Мы не можем не поддержать его. Он мой брат. У нас одна фамилия.

«Кровь внутри него — внутри меня».

Мой брат был очень талантлив, а когда ты на вершине, всегда есть те, кто хочет тебя уничтожить.


Что касается исков, поданных против Майкла до и после его смерти 25 июня 2009 года, Тито сказал следующее: «Для меня все очень просто. У вас есть человек, которого расследует высшая инстанция, ФБР, более десятилетия, и они не смогли найти ничего. Он кристально чист.

«Мой брат был очень талантлив, а когда ты на вершине, всегда найдутся те, кто захочет тебя уничтожить.

«Люди просто не могли понять, как этот парень мог добиться такого успеха и продолжать выпускать хиты».

Как и его брат [though obviously not quite to the same extent), Tito was part of a hit-making machine, first with The Jackson 5 and then The Jacksons.

Right from the early days, his protective instincts around Michael, whose angelic tones lit up ABC and I Want You Back, came to the fore.

“You always look after your little brothers,” he said.

“We were a gang within ourselves and we had each other’s backs.

“If anyone bothered Michael, they had to deal with his four brothers.”

I asked Tito if he ever felt overshadowed, maybe just a little bit jealous, when MJ became the world’s most successful entertainer.

He replied: “It wasn’t like that. People don’t usually say, ‘I like Michael’, they always go, ‘Michael Jackson.’

I feel that Michael’s success is part of my success. It’s the family’s success. We’re a family of music


“So we had the Jackson name in there and we couldn’t help but support that.

“I feel that Michael’s success is part of my success. It’s the family’s success. We’re a family of music.”

Toriano “Tito” Adaryll Jackson was born on October 15, 1953, to father Joe, a steel mill worker who performed in a R&B band and mother Katharine, a Jehovah’s Witness and country music fan who played the piano and clarinet.

They lived in a humble two-room house in Gary, Indiana, not far from Chicago.

The family owned a television but it constantly broke down and, when they couldn’t afford to get it fixed, the children started singing and harmonising with their mom – “all the time, every day”.

Once when Katharine was doing the ironing, she said: “Joe, listen, they can really sing.”

Encouraged by such obvious talent, their father started buying instruments for his kids.

In Tito’s case, it was a guitar, even if he’d secretly been playing one already, as he explained to me.

Tito with late wife Delores Martes

Tito with late wife Delores MartesThe Jackson Five, including Tito and Michael

The Jackson Five, including Tito and Michael

“My father played the blues with his brother, Uncle Luther, every weekend and I was very interested in that,” he said.

“When he went back to work, he’d put his guitar away and say, ‘Don’t you boys touch my guitar.’ It was his pride and joy.

‘Clothes torn off me’

“That was the worst thing you could tell a young kid and my mom actually let me play it – but when I broke a string, my father found out.”

No doubt Tito was subject to some of his strict father’s notorious wrath.

In a candid moment, he remembered how Joe would whip his sons with belts and that he was so afraid of him that he would “start to regurgitate”.

But Tito also insisted that he had “the best dad in the world” who saved him from a life of crime, just when kids of his age, in his neighbourhood, began running with gangs.

It wasn’t long before Tito and his brothers started performing shows and by 1964, when he was 11 and Michael was just 6, they became The Jackson 5.

When they signed for Berry Gordy’s Detroit-based Motown, home to Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, The Supremes and The Temptations, there was disbelief in the Jackson family’s neighbourhood.

Tito said: “People said to us, ’You’re making all that noise in the house… that ain’t going nowhere!’”

How wrong they were.

As the original boyband, they were trailblazers for those who followed down the decades… Backstreet Boys, Take That, Boyz II Men, One Direction and countless others.

“I was the first kid to get my clothes torn off me by screaming, crazy girls,” said Tito, recalling Jacksonmania.

“I had hundreds and thousands of girlfriends and didn’t even know it.”

The Jackson brothers had hit on a winning formula… joyous, danceable, life-affirming songs performed with gorgeous harmonies, silky dance moves and effortless style.

I could turn on my car radio, listen to a Jacksons song and hear myself playing guitar as well. That felt like a great accomplishment and a great feeling


They enjoyed four consecutive No.1 singles, I Want You Back, ABC, The Love You Save and I’ll Be Back but in 1976 they were ready to spread their wings and left the Motown machine.

As The Jacksons, they gradually took control of writing and production, with everything coming together perfectly on 1978’s Destiny album with it’s disco banger opener Blame It On The Boogie.

For Tito, it was the culmination of all his hard work, including learning an instrument.

He said: “I could turn on my car radio, listen to a Jacksons song and hear myself playing guitar as well. That felt like a great accomplishment and a great feeling.”

But now it’s time to rewind a bit and catch up with Tito’s life outside music.

In 1972, when he was 18 and already a seasoned professional in the business, he married Dolores “Dee Dee” Martes, who became the mother of his three sons Taj, Tarill and TJ. (They formed R&B band 3T).

Kim to the rescue

In 1994, six years after they had divorced, she was found dead floating in a swimming pool.

At first, it was regarded as accidental death, but thanks to a tireless campaign by Tito and his boys, Dee Dee’s boyfriend, Donald Bohana, was convicted of second degree murder.

During the trial, a 14-year-old Kim Kardashian was called to testify because she was dating TJ at the time.

“My boyfriend’s mother, whom I was really close with, was murdered and had to be part of that trial,” she said later.

“I was there every day with my boyfriend. I was just 14 – to have that experience at such a young age was insane.”

In the years since the heyday of The Jacksons, Tito, along with Jackie and Marlon, has continued to tour the world, belting out those timeless songs, many of them once performed with Michael.

Also brother to singers Janet, La Toya, Jermaine, Rebbie and Randy, he was the last of the siblings to release a solo album, Tito Time in 2016.

Tito’s final Jacksons appearance was in Munich last week and he died from a heart attack on his way from New Mexico to Oklahoma.

The Jackson dynasty has lost one of its favourite sons.

He will be missed around the world, nowhere more so than in Wolverhampton.

The star had a special bond with Wolverhampton Football Club

The star had a special bond with Wolverhampton Football ClubA Zoom interview with Tito, right

A Zoom interview with Tito, right

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